To Start A Blog

At first, you might be hesitant to start blogging and might get confused how to create a blog. Well, that is normal. I can still remember the first time I created my blog. I was so confused but I did not give up. I kept on searching more information on how to’s and tips about blogging in internet. I found out that blogging is very easy and fun. It does not require technical skills person to be able to create a simple blog.  To start with blogging, you must first understand what a blog is?

What is a blog?
Blog or “weblog” is a type of website or a journal that is maintained by someone making regular posts that includes, videos, articles, product descriptions, pictures and many more. Blogs are being updated or written in chronological order.  A typical blog combines text, images, and links, web pages, and other media related to its topic. You can actually write many posts as you can in a single blog.  Someone who maintains and keeps updating a blog is known as a blogger, and that will be you in the future.

Is blogging cost anything?
Price can be a main concern for a blogger especially to newbie. But let me tell you this, you can create a blog with no cost. If you want to create your first blog, it can be totally free. If you are serious with blogging and you wanted to have a better blog, to make it looked more professional and you want to make money from your blog, then it is not recommended to use free blogs anymore. It has to cost you something.Like for example, you want to start a new blog for your business.  Whenever you start a new Business blog then you need to invest some money in it. You need to have your own domain name, your blog host where you can store all the information for your blogs and a premium theme design. (I Will Explain this later).

Choosing A blogging Program
When you decide to start your own blog, you must first consider on choosing  the right choice of platform to use. The most popular blog platforms are Blogger and These two platforms offer free services for your blog.  If you are a newbie, I recommend using Blogger because it is very easy to use and it has all the necessary features you need to get your blog started. These features include templates, traffic stats and add ons to use for your blogging tools. Take note that using free blogging programs will not give you a domain but rather, they can offer you subdomain. 


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Nice blog useful for those who dont know anything about what is mean by blog ,how to start a blog and so on ..I am here to share my experience about how to do i build my business blog using wordpress cms with the help of providers like first i choose domain name for my blog site and registered it with them ..Then i signed up for an hosting account to host my blog site online .The hosting package offers 1 click installer which comprises of scripts like wordpress ,geeklog and so on ..I choose wordpress cms and build a amazing professional blog site as i wish ...


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