No salary increase for the government workers On 2015

 Amidst the high demand of Filipino workers to increase their salary, Budget Secretary Butch Abad said on Wednesday that government workers will have no salary increase for the year 2015.

Abad confirmed this in  by answering the question of  ACT Teachers Party Representative Antonio Tinio on whether government is planning to increase the  for state workers in the 2015 budget.

Abad explained that the government had appointed a survey in salaries and benefits this year, but did not finish it on time because of the recent calamities that the country is currently experiencing. But he affirmed that the survey will be commissioned in the next 2016 year budget  which is an election year. Thus the department of budget is pointing salary increase on that year.

He  however said that as of this year, that instead of salary increase, the government is giving a performance improvement inducement of at least P5,000 to one-month salary aside from the regular performance-based bonus. Thus, government workers who expects for the salary raise will have to wait until next year.

The government will intend a new round of salary adjustment of 2016 while the last tranche of salary standardization was completed  last 2012.

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