The Amsterdam Brewhouse

Situated in the neighbourhood of Harbourfront, near Queens Quay, Amsterdam Brewhouse is popular for its infinite variety of beers which you could choose from. From these drinks, you could make a combination and flights. In this place, you could order beverage like 416 lager, raspberry wheat beer or classic pizza.

To add more ambiance and delight, the place has a massive patio where the scenic view of the Lake Ontario could be viewed. Amsterdam Brewhouse has a total of 800 seats over all: 500 seats inside and 300 on the patio. Walking distance within Roger’s Centre and ACC, this place is conveniently perfect for the corporate workers to grab a drink and relieve a long, stressful day.

Sobey’s supermarket

For groceries and fresh seafood, Sobey’s supermarket is the perfect place to satiate this craving. Located at Queen’s Quay West, this high end store is known for its excellent services and commodities. If you happen to be at this place during lunch time, be sure to grab a bite upon their Salad Bar. The prices of the products being offered at Sobey’s are relative to their demand, market values as well as global inflation and trend.

Toronto Island Ferries

For an adventure that will certainly leave a mark in this lifetime, an experience in Toronto Island Ferries should never be missed. This vessel connects Toronto Islands to the mainland of Ontario. It carries a total of 1.2 million passengers a year, in full 365 days. Between and September, during long weekend relaxation, the vessel ships an approximately million passengers.

The island of Toronto is a famous attraction, especially in the season of summer, when the day is crisp and bright.

Pearl Harbourfront

Sounds like the historical movie Pearl Harbour, this restaurant is the venue of Asian foods and classic dim sum. The area is situated near Lake Ontario, thus providing the costumers with the very scenic view Toronto harbour as a bonus.

Excellent reviews had been commanded to Pearl Harbourfront for its exceptionally tasty dim sum.

Harbourfront Centre Festival and Concerts

Of course, life wouldn't’t be complete without this cultural festival that exhibits a wide-array of crafts, songs, arts, cuisines – anything imaginable. The site is packed with all these amusements from Victoria day to Thanksgiving, so be sure to give a drop.

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